Tag Archives: online auction

The idea of eBay as an auction website is nothing more than clever e-commerce marketing. As a professional auctioneer, eBay is a regular part of my lexicon. Many people I talk to commonly associate online auctions with eBay. eBay has done well marketing their service, because while they do have a bidding process, they are not an auction site. eBay does not conduct online auctions; items sold on eBay are not sold at auction. They promote the idea of an auction without actually having one.The definition of an auction is: “[a] public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.” Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/auction eBay does not sell anything to the highest bidder. Instead, items are sold on eBay to the winning bidder at a pre-set end time. There is an entire cottage industry that builds software to deploy last second bids on eBay. This behavior…

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